AA SEM 1Living in Los Altos places you in the midst of a number of strong neighborhoods. In a way, when you invest in south of El Monte real estate, you are investing in good neighbors. The south of El Monte part of Los Altos is made up of four distinct neighborhoods. As diverse as they are from one another, these four neighborhoods have one thing very much in common – good neighbors.  The residents in these communities care about their local quality of life and work together to keep their neighborhoods nice. They get to know and care about each other. People in these communities tend to watch out for each other. Every year there are block parties, festivals and celebrations. These are the types of neighborhoods that a person feels safe investing in, the sorts of communities that hold together.

Loyola Corners

Nestled in a tree-filled area between Los Altos Hills and Los Altos, Loyola Corners is home to about 3,330 residents. This neighborhood is among the oldest in the city. The housing inventory reflects that, with a well-balanced mix of vintage, new and luxury homes to choose from.  The shaded residential area is a respite from the busy world beyond.AA SEM 4

Local businesses lean more towards small, boutique-like and cafe-sized enterprises more so than the big box super centers prevalent in many places. Property owners in the business district have designs on gentrifying and maximizing their parcels to bring Loyola Corners up to modern standards.  Although expansion of this business district is being met with some resistance the writing is on the wall and someday soon some dramatic improvements, new structures, and improved retail and commercial development will begin appearing similar to what has happened in the downtown areas.


Living in Los Altos in the Rancho neighborhood places you within easy walking distance of the Rancho Shopping Center. The neighborhood and the shopping center grew up together, so although it is home to a few multinationals, like Starbucks, this shopping center tends to be a bit more reflective of local tastes. The residential area is made up primarily of single family ranch-style homes on quarter-acre lots. This fairly tight-knit neighborhood is ideal for rental property investors because people who live here tend to want to stay here.  Many of these ranch-style homes are being tastefully remodeled and improved helping drive year-over-year equity gains throughout Los Altos.

AA SEM 2Central and South Los Altos

These two communities have a great deal in common, not the least of which is a bustling real estate market for those interested in south of El Monte homes. In years past, these neighborhoods were productive fields and fruit orchards. It was a different lifestyle, hints of which are seen in the wide streets, beautiful, well-kept parks and neatly laid out recreational areas. Family-friendly, you’ll find excellent schools and creative after school programs in these neighborhoods.

Real Estate Investments Need Professional ManagementAA SEM 3

Although a large percentage of homes in Los Altos are owner-occupied there is still a substantial market of rental properties.  Good neighbors are especially valuable in terms of home and neighborhood security. However, as beneficial as they are, they can’t take the place of a reputable rental property management company to help maintain and manage your investment. To yield optimum returns, rental property investments in the south of El Monte real estate market need to be managed well, from tenant selection and maintenance and repair to keeping vacancies at a minimum.

Contact us to learn how to choose the best rental property manager for your Los Altos property. Effective, affordable management can be what you need to succeed in the rental market and maximize your investment returns.


David Roberson