Your Clients Remain Yours
ESQPMG receives a majority of our referrals from other commercial agents and brokers who know that ESQPMG will NOT interfere with the existing relationship between the Referring Agent/Broker and their client. ESQPMG will help manage and foster the client’s property, and in the event the client decides to sell the asset/property ESQPMG will refer the client back to the Referring Agent/Broker. ESQPMG will also execute a Referral Agreement with the Referring Agent/Broker to that effect.
ESQPMG offers a fully executed Referral Agreement to any agent/broker who refers their clients to us.
Referral Guarantee
In the event referring agent/broker __________________________________, hereinafter “REFERRING AGENT” refers a client to “BROKER” Esquire Property Management Group, California Licensed BROKER #02140719 (“ESQPMG, Inc.”) for property management services, and BROKER engages client for said property management services BROKER agrees as follows:
- ESQPMG will refer CLIENT back to REFERRING AGENT if and when CLIENT decides to sell investment/rental property;
- ESQPMG will in no way interfere or disrupt the relationship between REFERRING AGENT and CLIENT;
- ESQPMG will use all resources to uphold the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing with respect to dealings with CLIENT, and CLEINT’S relationship with REFERRING AGENT;
Let's Talk About Your Property
Learn how our bespoke retail real property investment and management services can help your bottom line.